The pikkujoulu-LAN (05.12–08.12) at Hacklab is coming up! Here is some practical information and the main programme.

Practical information

The LAN starts on Thursday 05.12 and ends on Sunday 08.12 at 18:00. On Friday and Saturday we have scheduled the LAN to begin at 12:00, although key members may attend freely even before then. The LAN is for members of Hacklab, so if you are not yet a member, be sure to sign up!

You are welcome to bring your own computer to the LAN. If you would like help with transportation or have extra space in your car, send us an email and we’ll try to coordinate car pooling. We should have enough power cables and ethernet cables.

It is possible to borrow a computer from the Hacklab. Send us an email if you would like to do that.

If there is a particuar game you would like to play together with others, it would help a lot if you prepare installation files or instructions and discuss it in our chat room.

Nutritional sustenance can be conveniently attained via the nearby Sale Kortepohja, S-market Savela or Ravintola Rentukka.

You are of course free to attend only part of the LAN should you so desire.

Sleeping at the Hacklab is not permitted.

And of course, be excellent to one another.

Main programme

We have planned a programme, primarily for things to do with the main screen in the club room. However, things can change during the LAN based on popular demand, and people are of course free to do what they want independently of what goes on on the main screen. Most of the time the main screen will feature something to watch, so the programme does not replace LAN gaming such as FPS games, RTS games, crafting games, co-op games, etc.

There are designated “Live gameplay slots” where we invite people to showcase some video game or LAN relevant activity. For example, someone can use a live gameplay slot to showcase a single player game they really like.

Note: Everything in the main programme can be enjoyed without bringing your own PC to the LAN, including Space Nerds in Space, Couch games, Live gameplay, etc.


18:00 – Doors open. We finish setting up tables, TVs, switches, power cables, tables, etc. TCG Thursday ensues as normal.
20:00 – Grand opening! Hacklab plays Space Nerds in Space!


12:00 – Live gameplay slot 1
14:00 – Live gameplay slot 2
16:00 – We make joulutorttuja
18:00 – President shakes hands with people
22:00 – Live gameplay: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup


12:00 – Live gameplay slot 3
14:00 – Live gameplay slot 4
16:00 – Couch games
18:00 – Hacklab plays Space Nerds in Space!
21:00 ~ Sauna
23:00 – Super Smash/Couch games


12:00 – Live gameplay slot 5
14:00 – Crafting game showcase
18:00 – Cleaning up, LAN closes