Repair Café Jyväskylä

Starting on the 17th of August 2024, we are hosting a Repair Café at Hacklab Jyväskylä on the third saturday of every month. The Repair Café starts at 15:00 and lasts until 18:00. Directions for how to get there can be found here.
This is an open event for anyone who wants to save a broken item from being tossed away. We have a group of volunteers who will guide you in repairing items such as:
- Bicycles
- Home appliances
- Electronics
- Clothes
- Toys
We cannot guarantee that our volunteers will be able to fix your item, but we will give our best effort. Sometimes you have to go a professional.
Please note: We are not professionals, and we will not help repair trade equipment or items used for private enterprise. This includes bikes primarily used for delivery services.
If you are unsure what you can bring to the Repair Café, check out the official FAQ.
A repair café is also an opportunity to meet people and have a good time while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea.
Hope to see you there! 😁