Our space
The Hacklab is a well equipped workspace for creativity and practical problem solving of various kinds. Take the VR tour to see what the place looked like in 2023.
Our space consists of several rooms joined by a corridor, each with a different purpose.
Club room

The club room features several desks and chairs where members can do what they see fit, so long as it’s not too noisy or dirty. The club room also has a projector which can be used for presentations, watching videos or playing video games. It’s the main place to hang out and chat with other people.
3D Printing
In the club room we have two 3D printers; a Prusa MK4 and Prusa i3 MK3S, which are easy to use and reliable 3D printers. We also have a shelf full of filament that members can use freely.
In addition, we have some extra printers in our storage room: A Felix Pro1 and a Raise3D Pro2.

A section of the club room is dedicated to electronics. We have all the basic tools such as soldering equipment, oscilloscopes, power supplies, function generators and a wide selection of components that are free to use for members.
Texile work

A shelf in the club room contains tools and materials for working with textiles. We have a sewing machine and a sauger, as well as needles, thread, some yarn and fabric scraps.
Wood workshop

The wood workshop features machinery, power tools and hand tools for working with materials like wood, and some tools for working with metal. It also has free wood scrap that members can use for their projects.
We have a fully functioning kitchen with a stove, oven, microwave, coffee maker, electric kettle, chest freezer and refridgerator. There is also a table where you can sit down to enjoy a cup of joe or a bite to eat. Our members maintain “kolakassa” (kola – Cola, kassa – box?) a system for sharing expenses for soft drinks and frozen pizzas so that members can access these at their convenience.
Bicycle repair station
In the hallway, we have a well equipped bicycle repair station, featuring basic tools and chemicals for bicycle maintenance, plus some specialised tools for things like taking apart cranksets and servicing wheel hubs. We also have an array of spare parts that are free to use for members.
Bonk shelf

In the hallway, we have a “bonk shelf”, which is a monument to reuse. In there, members can leave things they no longer need, but others may have a use for, such as a DVD player, a speaker or spare cables. Note that some such things belong in other places, such as scrap wood in the wood workshop and bicycle parts in the bicycle repair station. You are free to take things from the bonk shelf to keep, thereby saving them from the trash. It’s also a great way to find inspiration for projects; perhaps you could turn that old popcorn machine into a dancing robot?
Virtual Reality (VR) room
We have a VR room, where you can hop into cyberspace with our HTC Vive full room setup.
Member storage room

Hacklab members can store personal items in our member storage room using a Smartstore 31 storage box, which can be bought from retailers like Prisma or Jysk. While the Hacklab is locked outside of club evenings, it’s a good idea to refrain from storing exceptionally valuable items here.
Storage “bunker”

We rent half of a civilian shelter (colloquially referred to as “the bunker”) located inside our premises for storage. In there you will find cables, spare electronic hardware, spare monitors and a number of other things used for activities at the Hacklab and events such as Instanssi. While the things in here belong to the Hacklab, it is often possible to take things from here if we have a surplus, such as VGA and AC power cables. Ask and you might receive!
Laser/CNC/painting/storage room
Lastly, we have a multipurpose room where our home built CNC machine Sergei is located, as well as a laser cutter, welding equipment, metal hardware, large wood hard and painting supplies. This room is still finding its identity.