Contact us
Hacklab Jyväskylä ry
Emännäntie 10 O
40740 Jyväskylä
Lab phone number is +358 93 157 6906. Calls are forwarded to our chairperson when lab is not occupied.
Mailing list
A mailing list open for everyone: Hacklab Jyväskylä in Google Groups.
Our chat room is located in Matrix and it is It is bidirectionally bridged with IRC network IRCNet and Telegram. Remember to join, our national community chat as well! The following table should clarify things:
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Hacklab Jyväskylä | | @hacklabJKL | #hacklab.jkl | | | @hacklabfi | |
Finnish is the primary language in both rooms but we are happily chatting in English when someone starts a discussion in English!
Association board
Hacklab Jyväskylä ry is a registered association in Finland.
You can contact the board via email: hallitus at
jkl.hacklab.fiMembers of the board
Rooli | Nimi | Nickname |
Puheenjohtaja / Chair | Sampsa Kiiskinen | tuplanolla |
Jäsenvastaava & varapuheenjohtaja / Membership Manager & Vice Chair | Pekka Hapuli | |
Rahastonhoitaja / Treasurer | Brage Aarset | brage |
Sihteeri & tilavastaava / Secretary & Faculty Manager | Jarno Pasonen | moomoo |
Palvelinvastaava / Server Administrator | Väinö Kortelainen | kortevax |
Verkkovastaava (toimihenkilö) / Network Administrator (Agent) | Joel Lehtonen | zouppen |
The members of the board have email addresses of the form
with all characters as their ASCII variants (ä -> a, ö -> o, é -> e).
Bank account
Our bank account IBAN is FI93 7997 7997 9985 34. We accept donations. When you donate, please inform our board.
Registrar info
European Union VATIN: FI-30707242. See official register data.
Web site feedback
Feedback and improvement suggestions related to this web site is always welcome! Please file an issue to GitHub issue tracker.