Web site development

Hacklab Jyväskylä web site development repository

Website (2021 remake) is currently built on a popular and relatively light GeneratePress base theme (GPLv3) using the ”Cloud” site template from it’s site library. Paid premium update license has been provided by Netura.

For more background on the site technology during big revamp in 2021 refer to blog post and linked with video demo https://jyväskylä.hacklab.fi/2021/12/10/virtuaalinen-yhteisomiitti-2021/.

WP layout technology reconsiderations for 2024

This repository is mostly empty because the layout is produced by a wysiwyg ”site builder” storing it’s configuration to database in traditional ”CMS” way of doing HTML easily, which is not very GIT- or developer friendly way which is praicing for ”configuration-as-code” and other methodologies that picked up steam long after WordPress was made.

A GIT/developer friendly layout framework https://timber.github.io/docs/v2/ is currently being considered, which gives more developer oriented workflow for PHP web development involving WordPress as the backend.

Issue tracker

Issue tracker linked to this repository is loosely up to date and does not take into account latest technology reconsiderations and some older tasks may become irrelevant.

There is also a old issue tracker online as this repository was made by accident as new during previous WP technology upgrade efforts.

Development environment

Vagrant development environment with live site sync scripts and some documentation is provided at https://github.com/HacklabJKL/VVV. VVV is long running project and has nearly everything required for development while it can seem a bit heavy and monolithic (and more tied to AMD64). It’s still a very active open source project with developers keeping it up to date and responding to guestions in support channels.

Maximum beginners can also leverage https://localwp.com/ for nearly same effect but need to modify sync scripts written for VVV (not very hard).

Container users can try out eg. WP-ENV (docker wrapper utility in NPM) https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/getting-started/devenv/get-started-with-wp-env/ but lacks features compared to VVV and adds some complexity of it’s own for doing basic things.

NOTE: This section is under active development, please see latest information in README.md:
