Järjestämme lanit Hacklabilla syksyn aikana


By jasalt

Edellisistä Hacklabin laneista on kulunut jo jonkun aikaa joten miksemme järjestettäisi uusia? Lanit (Lan Party = Local Area Network party) ovat tapahtuma, jossa kokoonnutaan pelaamaan videopelejä, monesti itse mukana tuodulla laitteistolla.

Jos haluat auttaa yleisesti tai järjestää jotain erityistä LAN-bileisiin, voit ottaa yhteyttä Brageen braaar:hacklab.fi (matrix) tai brage.aarset@jkl.hacklab.fi (sähköposti).

Vastaa kysymyksiin sinulle sopivasta aikataulusta ja ohjelmatoiveista:

    When should we have the LAN party? *

    We would probably start sometime in the evening on the first day and end the LAN sometime on Sunday afternoon, but people are free to attend however much they want.

    What kind of games would you like to play at the LAN party?

    The examples in parentheses are not necessarily the specific games we would play, but illustrate the genre.

    Other suggestions (add one or more ideas as text)?

    What kind of non-video game activities would you like to do at the LAN?

    Other suggestions (add one or more ideas as text)?

    What things would you like to see on the projector screen during the LAN?

    Any ideas, suggestions or comments?

    Feel free to bring up whatever's on your mind.

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