Lan Party Questionaire 1 When should we have the LAN party? *2 What kind of games would you like to play at the LAN party?3 What kind of non-video game activities would you like to do at the LAN?4 What things would you like to see on the projector screen during the LAN?5 Any ideas, suggestions or comments? When should we have the LAN party? * We would probably start sometime in the evening on the first day and end the LAN sometime on Sunday afternoon, but people are free to attend however much they want. 25.10–27.1001.11–03.1122.11–24.1129.11–01.1205.12–08.12 (longer weekend due to independence day on the Friday) What kind of games would you like to play at the LAN party? The examples in parentheses are not necessarily the specific games we would play, but illustrate the genre. Single player gamesCo-op gamesMultiplayer FPS (Red Eclipse, Counter Strike, etc.)Crafting games (Factorio, Minecraft, etc.)Casual couch games (Move or Die, Screencheat, etc.)Fighting games (Super Smash, Tekken, etc.)MMORPG gamesMOBA games (DOTA, League of Legends, etc.)Strategy games (Age of Empires, Civilization, etc.)Unique and novel LAN games (Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, OpenTTD, etc.)Retro/arcade games (Megaman, Wolfenstein, etc.) Other suggestions (add one or more ideas as text)? What kind of non-video game activities would you like to do at the LAN? SaunaGo swimmingCampingJoggingCookingCleaningOrganising cablesKaraoke"Pimp my bunker" – renovating the bunker spaceBoard gamesMagic: The Gathering Other suggestions (add one or more ideas as text)? What things would you like to see on the projector screen during the LAN? Couch gamesOne of us plays a game live (like a Let's Play)Virtual Reality gamesDancing/singing gamesHotseat competitions (people take turns playing a game or doing a challenge)MoviesMusic videosEducational contentLive shader coding or other demoscene stuffLive synthesizer musicNothing, please Any ideas, suggestions or comments? Feel free to bring up whatever's on your mind. This form uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your data is processed.